Monday, April 14, 2014

Sans Gallbladder

The road to recovery.... Since I was diagnosed with gallstones and extreme episodes of pain I have been admitted to the hospital 5 days early with surgery to happen sooner than expected. 

My frustration on Wednesday was high. I have been extremely nervous about the surgery since I was told I was to have an organ removed; a useless organ for me however, it did not hinder the fact I was having SURGERY! I was so careful to watch what I was eating and preparing meals daily, I was convinced I may not even need the surgery. Although that idea went right out the window with my last episode on Wednesday night. 

Wednesday 10pm: I left work in extreme pain hoping the pain medication would help and I would go to bed and wake up normal as I had the last 3 weeks. Tonight that was not the case. My mom did not give me any other option but to get in the car and call the doctor. As I tried to settle my nerves and avoid the pain I panicked over the pending surgery that was now 5 days sooner. I knew no doctor would let me go back home with a gallbladder.... Boy was I right! 

Thursday 11am: Prepped and ready for surgery I freaked out and was nervous as the road to recovery would be better than the pain I was experiencing but I was not sure how I would feel or if my recovery would be as easy as everyone made it seem. Surgery went well although they kept me an extra day because I was too sick from all the medication. Another sleepless night in the hospital. 

Monday 9pm: Days later I am happy that the surgery has happened sooner than later, however recovery is still hard. I am moving around and not as sore as I was Friday (which was my worst day, physically and emotionally). I am happy that there will be no more pain, not worries over what I can eat or fearing a restaurant wasn't as careful as they said they were. Now I just make sure that I do not lift or over exert myself for 4-6 weeks and see what happens! 

The road to recovery sans gallbladder is hard but getting easier everyday. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are doing better and on the road to recovery!! Good Luck Lynn and let me know if you need anything :-)
